Estimated Delivery

Shipping EDD

Exceed Customer Demands with Exactness Estimated Delivery Date

Enhance add-to-cart metrics

Enhance add-to-cart metrics

Encourage spontaneous purchase

Encourage spontaneous purchase

Combination EDD - eShipz

Keep Customers Engaged

A substantial portion, exceeding 70% of all consumers come to expect , at a minimum, an estimated date of delivery either on product pages or during checkout pages. while,  most businesses are often missing the delivery estimation mark , the EDD remains a pivotal factor in determining customer satisfaction. Furthermore, it serves as the primary catalyst for the elevated rates of cart abandonment.

To reduce cart abandonment and boost customer satisfaction, Apply AI and real-time tracking to enhance EDD through correct estimation, considerable supply chain visibility, and optimized logistics through intelligent carrier partnerships; give clear real-time updates concerning orders with flexible delivery alternatives that listen to and act on customer feedback; connect a predictive analysis in the business cycle. Showcase EDD on product and checkout pages and always optimize through A/B testing.

eShipz’s EDD feature gives an accuracy of more than 90% in order anticipation & fostering trust, enriching customer experiences. Through its EDD module, eShipz has helped numerous global brands bring down their RTO % and improve the timely delivery rate.

Estimated Delivery Prediction Software

Avoid cart recantation and develop customer trust by providing the estimated date of delivery, right on the product display pages (PDP), with eShipz ensuring its accuracy.

Accurate delivery estimates enhances shopper trust &
increase repurchase probability

90% Accurate Prediction

Attain a precision rate of 90% accuracy level through eShipz’s EDD engine powered by historical data & machine learning. Using this features, Brands can inform receiver i.e. end consumer to prepare their plan for delivery & reduce follow up calls, notifications or even returns.

90% Accurate Prediction​
Smart CheckOut powered by EDD

Smart CheckOut powered by EDD

D2C brands can use eShipz EDD APIs on their carting checkout pages to inform their customer about probable dates of delivery & thus reduces cart abandonment & setting right delivery expectations.

The Unique Features of eShipz’s EDD Projection​

Carrier EDD

Carrier EDD

Activating this feature will make sure that the assigned Carrier Partner’s EDD is included for all your shipments.

Defined SLA

Defined SLA

When this is enabled, the uploaded SLA, by default ,to use Estimated Delivery Date computation for all shipments.

Combination EDD - eShipz

Combination EDD

Customize the calculation of the final (EDD) by combining 2-3 types of EDD’s according to priority & get the final EDD.

Customizable Branded EDD Button​ - eShipz

Customizable Branded EDD Button​

Customize the EDD button and its placement based on your scheme for the brand.

Show COD Availability - eShipz

Show COD Availability

Enable your customers check if the COD or Cash-on-Delivery is available as a payment option.

Flexible EDD Option - eShipz

Flexible EDD Option 

Display a static date or a date range for delivery if you opt not to display a singular date.

Are You a Shopify Merchant?
We’ve Got You Covered!

eShipz’s Shopify EDD app is equipped with all the necessary features that e-commerce companies need to enhance customer satisfaction. Along with eShipz includes a customizable system that allows business can set its own rules based on SHIP EDD, Order-to-ship time, and multi-warehouse delivery projections, among other customizable options. Onboarding means less than one day of work with the eShipz EDD.

Shopify EDD app - eShipz


How do accurate EDDs impact customer loyalty and repeat purchases?
EDDs that turn out to be correct facilitate customer loyalty and repeat purchases by ensuring that customers get their orders in time, which creates a satisfying shopping experience.

How can businesses improve their EDD accuracy to enhance customer satisfaction?
Such improvement in EDD accuracy can be achieved by businesses if they utilize advanced logistic software, real-time data analysis, and machine learning algorithms that drive predictions of delivery time more accurately and adjust for probable delays.

What are the potential consequences of inaccurate EDDs on customer retention and brand reputation?
Such incorrect EDDs can provoke customers, may result in trust erosion, increase the number of complaints, and reduce customer retention, hence impacting brand reputation.

How does customer feedback on shipping experiences influence operational improvements and business growth?
Wrong delivery dates can lead to dissatisfied customers and may ruin the credibility of the brand. Customers’ feedback plays a huge role in making adjustments to improve further the quality of service and, hence, customer loyalty, an essential component of business growth.

Experience seamless logistics management with eShipz's reliable delivery date estimations. Book a free demo today.

Discover how eShipz can transform your shipping operations with accurate Estimated delivery dates. Contact us to learn more about our comprehensive logistics solutions tailored for your business needs.

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