eShipz Extension for Zoho Inventory

Integrate eShipz with Zoho Inventory

Looking to Automate your Logistical Operations and Save on cost while Increasing Efficiency? Then click the button below to book your demo with one of our Experts

Why eShipz ?

At eShipz we specialise in bringing down the operation cost of an organization through Warehouse Outbound dispatch solutions. Our Logistics suite solutions helps in reducing Order processing time, Warehouse delay, Manual errors.

Our solutions include, Forward & Reverse Indenting, Docket Creations, Courier Approved Bulk Label Printing, Tracking, EPOD, NDR, Real Time Analytics, Notifications can easily be integrated into any ERP, WMS or TMS software or any of the Major sales channels, thus ensuring businesses reduce operational cost by as much at 20%, while increasing the supply chain efficiency by almost 150%.

Increase Efficiency - Zoho Inventory
Control & Visibility - eShipz - Zoho inventory integration
Customised Rules - Zoho Inventory
In-depth Analytics - Zoho Inventory

What is Zoho Inventory?

Zoho Inventory is specifically designed Inventory management software for Indian businesses. It allows Indian Businesses to Manage orders. Track inventory. Handle GST billing all from one single platfrom. With additional features such as Inevntory Control, Warehouse Management, Multi-Channel Selling, Order Management and much more, Zoho Inventory helps businesses to simplify work flows, fulfill orders faster, &  gain customer trust.

Create your first shipment in 30 minutes with the eShipz and Zoho Inventory Integration.

Tell us a little about yourself & our in-house supply chain experts will help you address your business' unique challenges through a customized demo.

eShipz helps businesses manage their shipping logistics more efficiently by automating order processing, tracking shipments, NDR Management, print shipping labels & many more.

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